I am back after my summer break and ready to go for the busy fall season. Lots of travel planned and some local dates too. I am very excited to tell you that my new updated website is just about to launch .Please visit it at it will go live around the second week of September. Let me know what you think of the re-branding and new look?. You will also see lots changes and new stuff like a Facebook fan page, regular Twitter feeds linked to the site, a You Tube Channel, a blog, easy downloads of articles, newsletters, speaker kit and much more. Hopefully all to serve you better.
Looking for a top class motivational or impactful business speaker for your upcoming important event this year or next?, please give me a call at 1-800-837-0629 or international at 1-905-847-2323. You can also email me personally at Tell me about your event and lets discuss how we could work together.
I will be in South Africa late April 2012, if you would like to take advantage of me being in your country and saving on expensive international air fares to combine my trip to speak for your organization, please let me know. I will be also in the United Kingdom from October 31- Nov 4, 2011 if you would like to take advantage with limited dates available too..
Have a terrific month!
To Your Success
In this Edition
1. Summer Musings
2. Monthly Inspirational Quote
3. Recommended Reading
4. Services
5. Privacy Policy
Summer Musings
Please indulge me this month after the summer break here in North America as I have reflected, and experienced many different things, so I want to deviate from my usual article and make it a little more personal. Hope you will take something from it. October will see me back to my usual article column. The more I travel all over the world, the more I enjoy coming home to my little part of Canada here in Southern Ontario. It is a truly great country with wonderful welcoming people and I am proud to call it home.
I am reminded, wherever I go, that most people are good people wherever in the world you visit or live, and a smile and good manners still go a long way. I keep reminding myself that negative toxic people suck your energy and you just have to get them out of your life. I continue to do that. I’ve had a couple of health issues this year, and while these have been minor, this time last year I was in the best shape of my life training for my first marathon race but this year it is a different story. Don’t take anything for granted. Good friends are priceless. I have lots of wonderful acquaintances, but can count my true friends on the fingers of my hands.
Belief + Passion + Courage + Follow-up = the characteristics of a champion sales person. Remember, however, that one way or another we are all in sales. Think about it. Every one of us is selling something to someone in some shape or form.
I have entrusted the building my new website and creating power point slides for upcoming presentations to experts in their particular field. I have done my homework well, learned from my mistakes from the last update of my website, and realize that you can get great people, who give great service, who do great work and provide good value for what you are paying them. You just have to do your homework and due diligence.
I love my work and am so blessed to do what I do. It is a privilege. However spending more time with my family this month has been fantastic. It’s all about finding balance. I lost a dear wonderful brave friend to cancer last week here in Toronto where I live. His name was John Steinberg, a nicer person you could not meet. John hired me as a young hairdresser, new to Toronto, 38 years ago. We drifted in and out of touch for many years after that but had reconnected in the last few years. I spent a day with him about 3 months ago, just me and John. He showed so much courage, I am so happy we had that time together. RIP dear John.
Thank you for letting me ramble this month. Hope you enjoyed it, back to normal next month.
The quote below is thanks to my good speaking buddy, Geno Stampora.
“When I was 5 years old my mother told me happiness was the key to life. When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told them ‘happy’. They told me I did not understand the assignment. I told them they did not understand life” – John Lennon
Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
This is a fantastic book from the CEO of Zappos. Zappos is an incredibly innovative company that really gets the concepts of service and their value proposition and is top of their game. You will learn much, about finding and figuring out the right balance of profits, passion and purpose in business and in life. Not bad for starters. There are lots of golden nuggets.
To order Charles’ national best selling and impactful book, Success is Not a Spectator Sport, and to check out his other learning resources including DVD’s and Audio CD’s please visit his website:
or call toll-free in North America 1-800-837-0629, or 905-847-2323 outside North America
or in the local Toronto area.
The book is also available through Amazon ( and Chapters (